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Galerie B

Fotos: Peter Koch

2011 07 30_0667
2011 07 30_0669
2011 07 30_0681
2011 07 30_0689
2011 07 30_0692
2011 07 30_0696
2011 07 30_0700
2011 07 30_0725
2011 07 30_0727
2011 07 30_0730
2011 07 30_0731
2011 07 30_0732
2011 07 30_0733
2011 07 30_0734
2011 07 30_0747
2011 07 30_0758
2011 07 30_0774
2011 07 30_0775
2011 07 30_1346
2011 07 30_1347
2011 07 30_1349
2011 07 30_1351
2011 07 30_1353
2011 07 30_1355

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