Galleries > ... > ... > ... > 2014-09-20 NewYorker Lions Braunschweig vs Munich Cowboys 69-28 > 142 Images
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2014-09-20 NewYorker Lions Braunschweig vs Munich Cowboys 69-28

20 Sep 2014_0001
20 Sep 2014_0002
20 Sep 2014_0005
20 Sep 2014_0006
20 Sep 2014_0010
20 Sep 2014_0011
20 Sep 2014_0013
20 Sep 2014_0015
20 Sep 2014_0018
20 Sep 2014_0025
20 Sep 2014_0027
20 Sep 2014_0029
20 Sep 2014_0030
20 Sep 2014_0036
20 Sep 2014_0041
20 Sep 2014_0057
20 Sep 2014_0062
20 Sep 2014_0075
20 Sep 2014_0083
20 Sep 2014_0104
20 Sep 2014_0106
20 Sep 2014_0112
20 Sep 2014_0113
20 Sep 2014_0119

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